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Thick Padded Dog Life Jacket

Thick Padded Dog Life Jacket

Regular price $100.80
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These brightly colored pet preservers help keep pets safe in and around the water,while also keeping them highly visible.

Thick padded material. Good for either learning to swim, being onboard a boat or just surfing the waves at the beach.

Easy to put on and take off. Easy to see a high reflective of your baby in the water play position.

Sandwich mesh convenient baby perspiration and dry clothes. Magic stick around the body and neck to provide security.

Size / Chest / Neck / Length / Applicable weight

XS / 30~40cm / 17~25cm / 20cm / 3~7(kg)

S / 41~48cm / 30~38cm / 25cm / 7~9(kg)

M / 50~58cm / 30~43cm / 30cm / 9~23(kg)

L / 55~70cm / 38~48cm / 35cm / 23~40(kg)

XL / 72~95cm / 48~58cm / 45cm / 40~50(kg)

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